Thursday, November 11, 2010

"Music Magic and Monkey Business!"

You know inspiration has a way of sneaking up on you and taking you away to unknown destinations. Im enjoying being caught up in this magical whirlwind.. Im enjoying this and allowing it to take control, it's created a  welcome spark to my creativity. Hello Inspiration!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

                                            " Be Brave"

One of lifes biggest challenges is over coming obstacles.  Challenges or obstacles  for most can be so strong  and powerful that they stop progress, delay opportunity, create doubt, fear, anxiety, and stress.  I've learned recently, that no matter  the circumstances, it's okay to pause, cope, regroup and then move forward with faith, courage and  bravery.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

                              " Do You Believe In Magic!"

I must say , it's been a  rather busy year. A year full of distractions and mishaps. It's now a year winding down from spring and summer adventures. I'm finally ready to move forward and nestle down into my art. I'm forging ahead, pushing myself creative wise and just allowing my imagination to unfold into something well.... magical!* Stay Tuned!